As a child, I begged for a horse, but it wasn't until I was 12 years old that I finally talked my parents into it. My first horse was a registered buckskin Mustang mare and she was in foal by a little known Appaloosa named Number 7. At that time, the ApHC allowed a Mustang cross to be registered. That was the beginning of a lifetime love affair with the Appaloosa.
I was born and raised in Indiana, but never cared to stay. In the late '80s I left and have only been back for short stays. Since then, I've lived in Guam, Louisiana, Idaho, Arizona, New Mexico, west Texas, and currently I live in southeastern OK. This was hopefully my final move.
When I lived in Idaho, I had what I still consider my dream job; I worked for a few years at the ApHC in the registration department. I had the awesome task of looking at baby pictures all day long, along with a smattering of adult horses here and there. I did descriptions and send-out mostly, but also learned to do all of the other jobs surrounding registration, such as stallion reports, listings, transfers, pedigree updates, etc. I was there to register the first baby of the new millennium. One of my biggest regrets in life is that I left Idaho, and so my job there.
I met Dave Higgins in a rather odd fashion. One day, while doing send-out at the ApHC, a gorgeous buckskin leopard named Sapelos Mr June Bug came across my desk, and I noticed the owner was in Shipshewana, IN. I slipped a note in saying how much I loved the horse, and that I used to haul cattle up to Shipshewana. What would be a lifelong friendship was born, until Dave's passing in 2020, and I was immersed into the world of ICAA.
I do not show and have never had the desire to. I get bored quickly in an arena and just want to say, "Open the gate!" My love is to ride into God's country, as far back as the trails will take me, the rougher the better. That has always been my passion and challenge. I've ridden in the mountains of Arkansas, in the extremely rough and rocky mountains of southeastern Oklahoma, in Brown County State Park of Indiana, in the mountains of Northern Idaho, and in many other much less spectacular places.
I've bred Appaloosas, Quarter Horses, Paints, and a few Miniatures over the years, with a passion for the cow-bred Appaloosas and Quarter Horses. There is nothing like watching a new foal come into this world and get up on those wobbly legs for the first time. Currently, I'm not breeding, but I do miss the babies.
Sharon January
Hello. My name is Jacinto ‘SpiritWolf’ Vega to which I have accepted with honor, humility and great respect to be associated with the International Colored Appaloosa Association as one of their newest members to the BOARD OF TRUSTEES. My journey began very young on the love of these beautiful beasts. Majestic in the eyes of this little boy who played with his plastic cowboys and Indian toys. Then to become a part of their lives on this horse ranch in Holyoke, Massachusetts at the age of 11. A world with the reality from the imaginations of this little boy.
About 14.5 years ago, I met my now wife Michelle who owned two gorgeous appaloosas and her history with them. I fell in love with them and my heart just grew. I never thought I would actually become an owner of one. Or actually four of them to this date. Wow. Today we are the creators and proud owners of the ‘WillowWolf Appaloosas Farm Ranch’ in Morehead, Kentucky.
A little bit about me. I have travelled most of my life through our great country and have shared many passions of experiences and knowledge. Yet most of all was my life in dedication to being a part of the communities to which I lived in. Over 40 years of experience by involvement in the services of women and children abuse, special needs, and community centers. I have proudly served our country for seven years in the military. Presently I am a proud member and supporter with BACA International (Bikers Against Child Abuse) here in Kentucky.
The fortunate blessings of being an independent ‘Image Consultant’ both in the music, movie and entertainment industry which led me to my very first introduction of becoming a SAG actor in two major motion movie films with 20th Century Fox Films and Disney Films. All this because of my other love at a young age to follow my grandfathers footsteps in photography at the age of 13. So I became an important part of independent film makers as a set photographer and consultant.
Today. I am an integral part of a new life with my wife, Michelle and her dreams to which I am sharing with all the great joys and fun experience. Meeting heart and like minded equine lovers who have this passion that is just so amazing with many new things to learn and understand to why such elation as a horse owner. OMG. And I thought I was done with children, only coming to life that these beautiful babies are such like having more kids. I shall ever be so grateful to two of the most wonderful and loving people like Tom and Karen Freund, owners of Mount Hope Stables in Columbia, KY. They made this our reality and we became the best of friends and we love them as a member of our family.
I am with my intents and hopes to become an integral part of the ICAA and its future growth to share knowledge, writings, event organization and development that would encourage our younger generation to experience the wonders and beauty of owning, sharing and love for horses. For those to have a place to learn from those of years in experience, history, and enjoy the fun filled activities and show off their precious horses with each other. So come and experience more with us here at the International Colored Appaloosa Association and our new family.
Many Blessings,
SpiritWolf with MHS Wanderlust Gypsy
My name is Conny Riedel and I have been interested in the Appaloosa breed since the day I met my first horse, an Appaloosa mare named High Hand Rosie. We both moved from Germany to the States in 2003 and in the following years, I bred her twice and she answered my hopes in giving me a stallion and a mare.
I met my now-husband in 2014 and he has been a tremendous help with all the horses from foal to mare to stallion. I don’t think he was aware of what he was going to marry into when he met me.
Having worked as an ICU technician in a big Equine clinic for the past 6 years, I had the opportunity to watch what a good breeding can accomplish and also how a bad breeding can fail. I am a firm believer in not breeding horses that have a genetic defect and have found in the ICAA an association that believes in pure breeding and doesn’t get swayed by the money that is attained by breeding HYPP and Herda Carrier horses, as the bigger associations are. I was also dismayed in finding that many Appaloosa World and National Champions are no more than glorified Thoroughbreds or Quarter Horses with spots.
I am thrilled to be involved in an organization that believes in the Appaloosa Breed and excited in the possibilities that are ahead of us. Please feel free to contact me with any questions and concerns you may have.
Conny Riedel, 751 Cowboys Ln, Springtown, TX 76082, (817) 583-4904
Conny Riedel with Ima Rockin Secret
My name is Michelle Vega. I have had an interest in Appaloosas since I was a small child and at the age of 14, my dream came true. He was a grade grey leopard gelding that deepened my love of the breed with his heart and spirit. Chip was 3 when I bought him and stayed with me till he passed at 29 from cancer. Although I have had many breeds (drafts, ponies, mules), I had continued with my love of Appaloosas until 2015. After a few years without horses, I was once again blessed to have Appaloosas in my life again. SpiritWolf, my husband, saw my longing for a loud colored colt that had caught my interest and we went to see him. While there, he was chosen by a beautiful filly and he was hooked. With my husband’s support and interest, WillowWolf Appaloosas came to be.
I had been a district representative in New England many years ago when David Higgins and Candace Brown were still with us. Candace Brown was a fan of my artwork and printed a version on the cover of the ICAA Report foal issue, Spring/Summer issue 2000. I moved to Kentucky in 2018 and have been here building my dream with my husband’s support. I would love to help others build their dreams as well.
Michelle Vega with MHS Mintaka of Orion
Hello, my name is Karen Freund and I am so delighted to be part of preserving the amazing true Appaloosa. My husband, Tom, and I have owned Mount Hope Stable since 2008, proudly raising Appaloosa horses. Our love for the Appaloosa horse came from tragedy. Tom fell 40 feet from a tower and had suffered serious injuries changing our lives forever. Tom no longer could run our family owned internet business and was looking to find a new direction. He began researching Appaloosa horses and asked if I would be interested in raising these amazing animals. At that time, his research pointed him towards the foundation Appaloosa and discussed all the outcrosses with me. He wanted to be part of saving the Appaloosa and we strived for the foundation horses, looking at pedigrees to ensure we were not buying spotted outcrosses. From this tragedy, came a new purpose and Mount Hope Stables was created.
I have loved horses all of my life; I actually don’t remember not loving them. I grew up riding with my cousins in Kansas and begged for my own horse, which I finally got when I was 8 years old. When my family moved from where we lived in Missouri to West Virginia, I did not own horses again until I met my husband, Tom.
We grew up in different parts of the country but met in Ohio and were married in 2008. Between us, we have 3 grown daughters and 6 grandchildren. We enjoy sharing our love of the Appaloosa and offer free farm visits as well as setting up for free group visits, such as local 4H groups. The guests not only get to see the beautiful herd at MHS, but they are provided an excellent education, and sometimes lunch is provided as well.
I currently work full time as a Family Nurse Practitioner and Tom is a full-time rancher taking care of our beloved herd. We enjoy being a part of the local community and hope to provide alternative ways to learn and spend time. What better way to spend the day than on a farm with a horse that you can choose to ride and work with and learn responsibilities of horse ownership.
Mount Hope Stables, named after a church that used to sit at the back of the farm, started in a small town 45 minutes west of Pittsburgh, PA called Bloomingdale, Ohio. Mount Hope Stables and their herd spent 2017 and 2018 in NE Texas prior to relocating in July of 2019 to Columbia, KY, which is located in south central Kentucky. Nothing greater than being in horse country. We currently own 27 Appaloosas, four of which are our stallions that we stand to the public. We have 10 mares due in the spring of 2025 and are looking forward to a successful foaling season for us and everyone else.
Karen Freund and Stars Artesian Angel
I’ve loved horses forever! My favorite horses were Black Beauty, Man of War, Secretariat, and Sea Biscuit. As a child we had two Shetland ponies, probably the orneriest ponies ever. My great-grandparents had a cattle ranch in Shawnee, Oklahoma. My great-grandma had a cutting horse named Goldie. I think she lived until her late 20’s. She got a feedbag of “mush” every day as she had lost quite a few teeth. I loved going to the farm every summer and spending time in the barn hanging out with Goldie and all the other critters they had.
I worked for ExxonMobil as a Data Manager for 32 years. I managed a team that maintained the geological and geophysical data for the company. So, it’s fair to say I’m a true “data nerd”. During this time, I got to travel to Midland, Texas, Denver, Colorado, a working Salt Mine in Kansas, and several trips to India.
In 2016 I purchased my first Appaloosa (Jelly Bean) from a Fallon Taylor online auction. In 2018 we purchased another Appaloosa (Zeke) for our granddaughter. From then on, my love affair with Appaloosas has grown.
In 2020 my husband and I purchased a 53-acre ranch in Mullin, Texas; our retirement home. My husband and I are now both retired. Our herd has grown to nine horses. We also have cattle, donkeys, and an Appaloosa hinny. This year we are starting our breeding program.
I was first introduced to ICAA when we bought our Appaloosa stallion from Joanne Jordan. Joanne has been a great mentor for us and was our go-to person when we first decided to purchase some fillies for our breeding program. She encouraged us to register our horses with ICAA. I’m so glad she did! I’ve learned a lot since joining this group.
I’m very excited to be a District Representative! I’m looking forward to meeting everyone in my District! I hope to provide whatever assistance I can to our members and to promote this fabulous breed to everyone I can. Please, reach out to me at any time! My contact information is on the website (ICAA Officials > Official’s Contact Info) and I can also be found on Facebook (Cynthia Barton Evans).
Cynthia Evans with Shadows DoubleDomino
I live in
Ron Seamons