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The ApHC is a diverse registry embracing many types of Appaloosas. The ICAA is about a rare and elite concentration of Appaloosa blood and is dedicated to its promotion through multiple generations of Appaloosa horses only. An ICAA registration speaks volumes to those who understand the breed and care about its future. An ICAA registration sets an Appaloosa apart from the crowd.
ICAA members are like-minded people who love the breed for many reasons. The well-conformed ICAA Appaloosa is gentle, kind, versatile, and able to go in any direction its owner chooses. Some members collect points in breed and open shows for year-end ICAA awards. Others find the ICAA Appaloosa especially useful in ranch and cattle work. Our nature-loving members enjoy the ICAA Appaloosa’s stamina and endurance on the trail. Other members prefer to just enjoy the view at home where their ICAA Appaloosas enrich their family. An ICAA Appaloosa can perform any combination of these disciplines, and many others they are introduced to.
ICAA members are known for their love and concern for their horses, and their desire to embrace genetic testing to assure their Appaloosas are free of genetic disease, as well as determine optimal crosses within the breed. Through its partnership with Animal Genetics, ICAA members enjoy access to current science and discounted state-of-the-art testing.
All registries start with foundation stock, used to build from and go forward with. The old ApHC F-horses were the ApHC's foundation stock used to start the ApHC registry. The ICAA's foundation stock is the foundation stock of the future Purebred Division. The ICAA's foundation (F) horses are in no way associated with the ApHC's foundation (F) horses.
They are not 100% Appaloosa. The ApHC was founded in 1938 with “seed stock” of the type of horse they wanted to produce; these horses were their foundation stock. Although they are the foundation of the Appaloosa industry yet today, the ApHC F-horses were simply the horses that were there when records began being kept on breeding and resulting offspring. Many of the ApHC F-horses came from an unknown sire and/or dam, or both their sire and dam were mixed with grade and other breeds.
Some horses have a known sire and dam. For example, Mansfield’s Comanche (ApHA F-3096) was sired by Dr Howard, a Thoroughbred, and his dam was Juanita (ApHC T-21,700). Mansfield’s Comanche was at least half Thoroughbred, so he can’t be 100% Appaloosa. Then there is Peavy Bimbo (ApHC F-4557); his sire was Little Joe (AQHA P-430), and his dam was Chipeta (AQHA P-1250). Another example is Joker B (ApHC F-678), sired by Red Dog (AQHA P-55), and out of Blue Vitrol, an unregistered, one-quarter appaloosa mare with a Quarter Horse sire and Old Fred as a maternal grandsire. These are only a few of many examples. The ApHC F-horses’ ability to pass on dominant Appaloosa genetics was proven through production.
We love these horses of the past and they are very important to the Appaloosa breed, but what were they? What breeding is behind them? In most cases, no one really knows. It is even uncertain whether or not historic breeding documentation is accurate. These horses are not 100% anything. The percentage of F-numbered ApHC horses in a pedigree does not indicate purity.
It is for this specific reason that the ICAA chose to use the full-generation concept of eight generations with no out-crossing to reach official Purebred status recognized by science.
No. While horses with a high percentage of ApHC F horses are welcomed into the ICAA, ApHC F-horses are not required in the horse's pedigree. While the ICAA recognizes and acknowledges the importance of the ApHC F-numbered (foundation) horses, the ICAA has its own Foundation Division, with its own standards, that does not rely on the ApHC foundation horses. The ICAA Foundation horses are the building blocks for the future Purebred Appaloosa.
No. ICAA is set up to always allow new Appaloosa blood into the General and Foundation divisions.
The horse should have, but is not required to have, an Appaloosa coat pattern easily recognized from 15 feet away.
The horse should have, but is not required to have, all Appaloosa characteristics; Appaloosa coat pattern, white sclera, mottled skin, and striped hooves on legs without white leg markings.
The horse must be at least 14 hands, standing barefoot, at five years of age.
A horse is required to be DNA tested for certain genetic disorders (currently a 6-Panel from any reputable lab), and mares and stallions are required to have a DNA Profile (ISAG+) on file with AGI under our account. For further information on genetic testing and/or requirements, see Genetic Testing/DNA under the Registration tab >
Horses that have tested negative for LP, and/or show no Appaloosa coat pattern or Appaloosa characteristics are eligible for ICAA registration. They will have an "N" in the prefix of their registration number.
The ICAA is a “stand-alone” registry, meaning that if a horse's sire and dam are already registered with the ICAA, then no other registry is required because the parent’s pedigrees have already been documented.
When a new horse is registered with the ICAA that does not have the sire and dam already registered with the ICAA, pedigree verification is required from another approved registry for accurate documentation.
The ICAA recognizes Appaloosas registered with the following registries, as long as ICAA qualifying standards for the registry classification applied for are met:
Horses showing albino, paint, pinto, pony, or draft breeding.
Horses with misplaced white or roan markings (sometimes referred to as splashed white, savino, or sabino), bald faces, and/or stockings higher than below the knee or hock.
Horses carrying the gray gene; horses in question may be required to be DNA color tested.
Horses with unknown or unregistered parent(s) except geldings and spayed mares expressing the Appaloosa coat pattern, mottled skin, striped hooves, and white sclera.
Deceased horses.
Parrot mouth horses or horses with undershot jaws which have not been gelded or spayed.
Cryptorchids or monorchids which have not been gelded or spayed, or the offspring of such stallions.
Horses with any genetic disorder the ICAA deems to be detrimental to the Appaloosa breed. A horse is required to be DNA tested for certain genetic disorders. See Genetic Testing/DNA under the Registration tab >
ICAA Members are like-minded individuals who believe in the preservation of the Appaloosa breed. Those breeders who strive for high-generation horses are promoted by ICAA when possible to acknowledge their hard work. In addition, members have access to the following:
ICAA Distance Program
ICAA Horsemanship Program
Production Achievement Award System
Open Show Point Program
At this time, the ICAA is not big enough to hold live shows, but there are talks going on about holding a few in the future, possibly combined with other breed shows. The ICAA is holding virtual shows. However, the ICAA does have an Open Show Point Program (OSPP). If an ICAA Appaloosa or Youth is enrolled in the OSPP, the horse may gain ICAA show points from showing in open shows and Appaloosa breed shows. These points will become a part of the ICAA horse's permanent file. High Point awards will be given. See the OSPP under Programs >