Enroll your ICAA Appaloosa in the Distance Program to earn a variety of year end awards. The Distance Program is divided into two categories: Endurance Riding and Competitive Trail Riding.
Requirements for both Distance Programs are as follows:
ICAA approved endurance and competitive trail ride sanctioning organizations:
American Endurance Ride Conference (AERC), Great Lakes Distance Riding Assn (GLDRA), Upper Midwest Endurance and Competitive Ride Assn (UMECRA), Washington State Horsemen, Inc (WSH), International Arabian Horse Assn (IAHA), Ohio Arabian and All Breed Trail Society (OAATS), Ohio Arabian Horse Assn (OAHA), Appaloosa Distance Riders Assn (ApDRA), North American Trail Ride Conference (NATRC), Eastern Competitive Trail Rider Assn (ECTRA), Southeastern Distance Riders Assn (SEDRA), Texas Endurance Riders Assn (TERA), Middle Of The Trail Distance Riders Assn (MOTDRA), and Ontario Competitive Trail Riding Assn (OCTRA). ICAA reserves the right to approve any other distance ride it deems suitable, including overseas.
Competitive Trail
A Competitive Trail Ride is defined as a ride where participants cover a marked course in a given period of time, not completing the course earlier or later than the time specified. Ride must be no less than 25 miles over two days. Competitive Trail is open to horses a minimum of 4 years of age as of foaling date. This ride is to have a licensed veterinarian present for monitoring and for judging.
An Endurance Ride is defined as a long distance ride of 50 to 100 miles in one day or up to 250 miles over several days. Endurance is open to horses a minimum of 5 years of age as of foaling date. These rides have several sections with veterinarian checks between sections.
A Limited Distance Endurance Ride is a mid-distance ride of 25 to 35 miles in one event. Limited Distance is open to horses a minimum of 4 years of age as of foaling date. Veterinarians will be present at designated check points to monitor the horse’s soundness.
All horses must be enrolled in the ICAA Distance Program. Horse owners and riders must be current members to accrue miles that count towards awards. See the ICAA Official Handbook for complete rules.
Endurance and Competitive Trail Awards:
100-mile – Certificate and Rosette
250-mile – Certificate, Plaque and Rosette
350-mile – Certificate, Plaque and Rosette
500-mile – Certificate, Silver Patter and Rosette
1000-mile – Certificate, Silver Platter and Rosette
Year-End High-Mileage Awards:
High-Mileage Endurance Award – Presented to the horse completing the highest number of qualifying miles in approved open Endurance rides within a ride year.
High-Mileage Limited Distance Endurance Award – Presented to the horse completing the highest number of qualifying miles in approved open Limited Distance rides within a ride year.
High-Mileage Competitive Trail Ride Award – Presented to the horse completing the highest number of qualifying miles in approved open Competitive Trail rides within a ride year.
High-Mileage ICAA Appaloosa of the Year Award – Presented to the horse completing the highest total combined miles in approved open Endurance and Competitive Trail rides within a ride year. Riders must meet minimum mileage requirements.
Distance Awards may vary from year to year. Owners must notify ICAA within one year of qualification if an earned award was not received.
Enrollment in the ICAA Distance Program is $15 annually. The enrollment form and ride reports are available on the Forms page.
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