An ICAA Foundation Division registration is determined by the number of full generations of registered Appaloosas in an individual horse’s pedigree.
The horse must have a minimum of two-generations of registered Appaloosa ancestors, beginning with its parents and grandparents, registered with the ICAA, ApHC, ApHCC, and/or another Appaloosa registry approved by the ICAA. The number of full generations of Appaloosas determines the "F" level.
The horse should have, but are not required to have, all Appaloosa characteristics; Appaloosa coat pattern, white sclera, mottled skin, and striped hooves on legs without white leg markings
If the horse tests negative for the LP gene, or is phenotypically solid (no coat pattern, white sclera, mottled skin, or striped hooves), the registration number on the certificate will have an "N" after the F-level (such as F5N-xxxx)
Solid stallions and mares that are negative for LP, and untested phenotypically solid stallions and mares, must be bred to an LP/LP or n/LP Appaloosa.
Any non-characteristic horse that later tests positive for the LP gene, or develops a recognizable Appaloosa coat pattern, may be advanced and issued a new certificate with the “N” removed upon receipt of the original Certificate of Registration and the proper fee.
While the ICAA recognizes and acknowledges the importance of the ApHC F numbered (Foundation) horses, the ICAA has its own Foundation Division, with its own standards, that does not rely on the ApHC Foundation horses. The ICAA Foundation horses are the building blocks for the future Purebred Appaloosa.
The horse’s sire and dam (the first generation) must both be registered with the ICAA, ApHC, ApHCC, and/or another Appaloosa registry approved by the ICAA.
The horse should have all required Appaloosa characteristics; Appaloosa coat pattern, white sclera, mottled skin, and striped hooves on legs without white leg markings.
If the horse tests negative for the LP gene, or is phenotypically solid (no coat pattern, white sclera, mottled skin, or striped hooves), the registration number on the certificate will have an “N” after the # (#N-xxxx).
Solid stallions and mares that are negative for LP, and untested phenotypically solid stallions and mares, must be bred to an LP/LP or n/LP Appaloosa.
Any non-characteristic horse that later tests positive for the LP gene, or develops a recognizable Appaloosa coat pattern, may be advanced and issued a new certificate with the “N” removed upon receipt of the original Certificate of Registration and the proper fee
A gelding or spayed mare showing all Appaloosa characteristics, including coat pattern, may also be registered in the General Division, whether or not a pedigree is known.
Once we have reached eight-generation ICAA Appaloosas, a new division will be opened for these purebred horses and their offspring. The rules and requirements will be the same or very similar to the ICAA Foundation Division.
ICAA makes it very easy to determine your horse's registry division and level yourself, but we will be happy to assist you.