Horses showing paint, pinto, pony or draft horse breeding.
Horses with excessive or misplaced white such as bald faces, belly spots, and/or stockings higher than below the knee or hock (see diagram below).
Horses with the gray gene (horses with a questionable base color may be required to be DNA color tested for gray).
Deceased horses.
Horses with unknown or unregistered parent(s), except geldings and spayed mares expressing the Appaloosa coat pattern, mottled skin, white sclera, and striped hooves on legs without white leg markings.
Parrot mouth horses, or horses with undershot jaws which have not been gelded or spayed.
Cryptorchids or monorchids which have not been gelded, or the offspring of such stallions.
Horses photographed with artificial coloring or artificial characteristics, or which are otherwise misrepresented.
Horses with inherited genetic diseases such as HYPP (N/H or H/H), HERDA (N/HRD or HRD/HRD), GBED (N/G or G/G), MH (N/MH or MH/MH), PSSM1 (N/PSSM1 or PSSM1/PSSM1), IMM (N/IMM or IMM/IMM), or any other genetic disorder that the ICAA deems to be detrimental to the Appaloosa breed. Geldings and spayed mares may be registered if heterozygous for the recessive disorders HERDA (N/HRD) and/or GBED (N/G).
Multiple horses born the same year from the same mare after one foal has been registered, with the exception of twins carried to term by the natural mother.
Horses produced by any cloning process.
No face markings outside of red line or leg markings above red lines are allowed.